Requesting samples before importing, an essential step

Requesting samples before importing allows for comparing qualities, minimum orders, prices, and delivery times. Delegating this to a comprehensive management company like Bull Importer simplifies this procedure and guarantees better negotiation of conditions

How to request samples before importing

At Bull Importer, we understand that managing samples is an essential phase before the production of goods. For this reason, a significant part of our comprehensive services is the request for samples and, above all, negotiating so that these have no cost for our clients.

The search for suppliers is a slow and complex process that requires firsthand knowledge of how business is done in Asia. The first step is to select those manufacturers we already know and trust because we have already evaluated their solvency, production capacity, commitment to delivery times, and the standards and approvals required to import into the EU.

However, once the manufacturers not considered suitable for providing the goods our client wants are discarded, we always advise requesting samples before importing.

Sometimes, manufacturers have samples from previous orders, but they are unlikely to match 100% with the current client’s specifications. To avoid misunderstandings, it is essential to indicate the requirements of the goods as precisely as possible: materials, components, dimensions, finishes, standards, and any other detail, no matter how small.

The risk of ordering production without prior verification is very high. At Bull Importer, we advise our clients not to skip this step.

Requesting samples from suppliers is also a good way to discard unreliable manufacturers. If the supplier is reluctant to send a sample, they should not be on the list of candidates.

The process is greatly expedited by using a courier service. In a few days, it is possible to receive samples from one or more suppliers. Once qualities and prices are compared, you can choose a supplier with much greater assurance.

In this phase, it is very useful to create records with information about the product and the supplier, indicating:

  • Company name and contact details
  • Description of the product and packaging
  • Price under equal shipping conditions
  • Supplier’s quality certificates
  • Minimum order quantity required by the supplier (MOQ)
  • Delivery times
  • Accepted payment methods
  • Offered warranty

With this comparative chart, it will be very easy to choose the best supplier. At Bull Importer, we can expedite all these procedures with our import outsourcing service.

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