We Resolve Your Questions About the EORI Number, Necessary for Importing

The EORI number (short for Economic Operator Registration and Identification Number) is a code familiar to experienced importers and exporters, as it is essential for international trade operations with third countries. If your company is starting in importing goods, you should know what it is, what it is used for, and how to obtain the EORI number.

The obligation to possess an EORI number for importing or exporting has existed since 2009 and is included in the Commission Regulation (EC) No 312/2009. This code is assigned to legal entities, such as companies based in Spain, to conduct customs operations. Individuals, on the other hand, can carry out up to five imports or exports on a private basis without requesting the EORI number.

The EORI number is assigned by the Tax Agency to companies or self-employed individuals wishing to import or export. It is an essential registration code for conducting international trade operations with third countries.

What is the EORI number used for

The EORI number is used to identify economic operators to the customs authorities of the European Union, allowing them to declare import or export operations from third countries. It is equivalent to the VAT or national ID for international trade and is valid for operating in any EU member state. The customs authority of each country is responsible for assigning this unique code to companies that request it.

Who needs to obtain the EORI number

Any company that needs to import or export using maritime or air transport with origin or destination in Spain requires this code to clear shipments through customs. Importing or exporting companies must request the number in the country where they carry out their first international trade operation. Generally, this is the country of origin, but it can be requested in any EU member state. Foreigners residing in EU member countries must link their national ID with the EORI to import or export.

How is the EORI number identified

In the case of Spanish companies assigned a VAT number (Número de Identificación Fiscal, composed of a letter followed by eight numbers), the EORI number will be composed of this same VAT number preceded by the two-digit ISO code corresponding to Spain (ES). Thus, an EORI has the form ESA00000000.

Where to obtain and how long it takes

The Tax Agency is responsible for assigning it to companies or self-employed individuals carrying out an international trade operation in customs. However, companies whose VAT number begins with N, M, X, or Y can obtain their EORI by requesting it at customs or through the Tax Agency’s electronic headquarters. Once the request is made, within approximately 48 hours, the EORI will be active and can be used to clear the goods through customs.

The EORI number is not an import license but a registration to operate, so obtaining it is simple and fast. If you have any doubts related to the EORI or any other import-related procedure, contact Bull Importer. We solve your doubts and assist you with the procedures.

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