Purchasing Agent in China

We are purchasing agent in China and a comprehensive import department. We have a long history and experience helping SMEs and large companies manufacture and buy wholesale all kinds of products. We offer unique services in the sector such as DDP delivery with prior inspection, without you having to deal with paperwork and procedures, having studied the entire importation for you beforehand to import from China, India, and other countries to anywhere in the world. Enjoy a unique methodology in Europe that leading companies in multiple sectors are using.

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Purchasing Agent in China and Importing

We are a Spanish company with offices in Spain and China from which we perform the functions of a purchasing agent in China, with DDP inspection and importation (for Europe), carrying out a unique procedure that guarantees the purchasing or manufacturing process from origin to final destination. From our office in China, we take care of handling purchasing and industrial manufacturing requests for companies that need to optimize their supply due to their volume of purchases. We help the importer do this safely, providing information on all the procedures and licenses that are necessary and that, due to ignorance, cause customs retentions or financial losses. With Bull Importer, you get a comprehensive management that guarantees purchasing, manufacturing, and importation. Obtain all the management of transportation, logistics, customs, insurance, RC, factory verification, inspection, testing, product certification, and approvals, ensuring its importation. Enjoy a unique methodology in Europe that leading companies in multiple sectors are using.

A purchasing agent is a person or company dedicated to managing product purchases for a third party, usually companies, in exchange for a pre-agreed commission or service fee based on success, from this point on, you take care of everything. As a result of more than 27 years of work, Bull Importer has a system registered with Intellectual Property, offering not only an effective solution as a purchasing agent in China but also providing regulatory studies, necessary import licenses, manufacturer verification, product and production inspection, transportation and logistics, customs, clearance and delivery of the product to your company. Enjoy convenience, efficiency, control, and security. We have carried out thousands of imports for our extensive client portfolio spanning all types of sectors, being fully trained to handle any type of management for any type of sector.
Agente de compras en China, inspección e importación

Advantages of being purchasing agents in China in Spanish

With the advancement of technology and the proliferation of different commercial platforms and apps, hundreds of thousands of transactions are made daily in the buying and selling of all kinds of items. It also allows us to communicate through translators with people who do not speak our language, translators who have often pointed the right way and many times have caused real confusion, and therefore, depending on the case, products have been acquired that were not of the expected quality. Buying in China, and especially when buying in large quantities, has more advantages when one masters the Chinese language.

Having a purchasing agent in China who speaks Spanish and also speaks Chinese is the greatest security that a company wanting to acquire its products or wanting to manufacture customized products can have, with all the details that a customized manufacturing or personalized product purchase requires. At Bull Importer, you will have personnel who will perfectly understand your requirements and will convey them in the native language, guaranteeing any commercial transaction.

Shopping agent services on platforms such as Alibaba, 1688.com, Taobao, or JD among others.

At Bull Importer, we have adapted to the times and have addressed the needs of each and every one of our clients who, without knowing our services, have ventured to search for suppliers in China for various products on their own. To do this, they have interacted with Chinese platforms such as Alibaba, 1688.com, Taobao, or JD among others. However, they have realized that importing is much more than just buying products through a platform and that, depending on the type of product or the destination country, a series of additional paperwork or licenses are necessary. Without knowing them, they will have problems with the legalization and entry of the product into the country.

At Bull Importer, we have other mechanisms to reach the true manufacturers of products. However, if our client wants to work with the supplier they have found through these platforms, we can carry out the following procedures as their shopping agent on Alibaba, 1688.com, Taobao, or JD, ensuring any purchasing and subsequent import process:

  • Credentials verification: We verify that they are authentic suppliers as many pay the platform to obtain fraudulent recognition.
  • Certificate authenticity: We verify if the certificates shown by the supplier are theirs, from others, if they are valid, and/or if there are suspicions of forgery, manipulation, etc…
  • Regulatory compliance study: We confirm that the product complies with the correct CE marking and not China export.
  • Communication with the manufacturer or supplier: We work as your purchasing office in China, communicating with manufacturers and suppliers on your behalf with the advantage of doing so during local business hours and in the local language.
  • Regulatory and cost studies: We study the complete circuit to ensure that everything complies with regulations and conduct a DDP (delivered duty paid) cost study with a single invoice (if it’s for Europe) and with other incoterms for the rest of the world.
  • Sample management: Once the cost study is completed and its economic viability is verified, we can manage one or several samples of what you are going to buy so that you can check firsthand that everything meets your needs.
  • Labeling management, if possible: Your products, if possible, will be fully labeled, following your instructions.
  • Custom inspection: All our clients, when importing, receive a personalized inspection report in which they verify that everything is according to the instructions given during the previous weeks of work.

Bull Importer, more than just a Purchasing Agent in China

Thinking that buying from China from Spain or from anywhere in the world is very easy and that you only have to consider the order volume and the tariff code is a misconception. Small unit orders do not pose a major problem, except if they become very repetitive and are intended for subsequent sale. Large orders or purchase amounts require more attention to the process and, in many cases, require the intervention of companies specialized in international purchasing management or buying agents in China.

In our case, we have developed multiple lines of action focused not only on helping companies to buy and import, but we can also add, at the hiring company’s discretion, a series of added values, some of which are unique. These include simplifying the accounting of imports and their VAT or the inclusion of the product’s RC, in addition to performing the following actions for door-to-door DDP importation, with all procedures included:

  • Product search: Procedures to acquire products that are already on the market.
  • Custom manufacturing: Procedures to manufacture a prototype designed from scratch.
  • OEM production service: Procedures to obtain the best production options from a pre-project of your interest, resulting in a completely original product.
  • ODM production service: Procedures to obtain the best production options by customizing an existing product of your interest, with the required improvements and functionalities, allowing you to market it under your own brand.
  • Packaging, labeling, and leaflet service: Your products can come with personalized packaging, packages, informational material, labels, and distinctive marks of your private brand according to your requirements.
  • Inspection services: Before, during, and after production, receiving a report for you to validate and approve, following the requirements you need in terms of inspection and its degree of stringency.
  • Licensing for importing food, cosmetics, and healthcare products: If your purchase volume is large and you do not have licenses, we can import with all guarantees without you needing to obtain a license, using ours for the importation.

Whatever your case may be, you should know that buying and manufacturing in China wholesale is a good choice. Certain sectors outsource all production to China, and our recommendation if you want to carry out all actions on your own is:

Before paying, investigate, especially in sectors and products with excessive customs control such as furniture, housewares, cosmetics, toys, chemicals, food, pharmaceuticals, healthcare control products, products with different alloys, products with batteries, etc…

And if you want your purchase, manufacturing, or importation to be guaranteed, get informed and we will provide you with the best solutions to ensure success is guaranteed.

Purchasing agent, manufacturing, and inspection from China to the rest of the world

Bull Importer as a company and professional purchasing agent in China with inspection and importation, handles all procedures up to your warehouse if it is located in Spain. For the rest of the world, we work mainly with FOB and CIF prices. With Bull Importer, you get in a single office cost control, personalized and customized inspection, and total management of the entire import process without having to deal with freight forwarders, customs agents, inspection companies, and transportation on your own, ensuring that the import complies with all requirements.

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