New Anti-Dumping Duties on Biodiesel from Argentina and Indonesia

The Official Journal of the European Union announced on May 28th the establishment of antidumping duties on biodiesel from Argentina and Indonesia pursuant to the judgments of the General Court applying protective measures for EU producers.The decision of the General Court follows the recommendations and resolutions adopted by the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) of the World Trade Organization (WTO), which called for antidumping duties on biodiesel imports from Argentina and Indonesia. Although the Council of the European Union appealed the judgments, the appeals were ultimately withdrawn, so the judgments are considered final and binding from the date they were issued.The judgments of the General Court favor the inclusion of antidumping duties applicable to imported biodiesel from Argentina and Indonesia to protect European producers.The judgments announced in the Official Journal of the European Union were based on the lack of demonstrated significant distortion of prices of the main raw materials used for biodiesel production in Argentina and Indonesia. Therefore, the Court ruled that the price of these raw materials was reasonably reflected in the Argentine and Indonesian exporting producers. It is understood that the value of biodiesel exported by these countries undermined fair competition, hence the application of antidumping duties.In compliance with its obligations, the Commission has reopened the antidumping duty investigation regarding biodiesel imports from Argentina and Indonesia at the point where the illegality occurred. The failure to take into account the price of raw materials in their appeal implies that exporters must be reexamined.The Commission is obliged to adjust the antidumping duties imposed on biodiesel imports from Argentina and Indonesia in accordance with the recommendations and resolutions set out in the DSB reports.Continuous changes in antidumping duties can affect companies engaged in the importation of biodiesel or any other sensitive commodity in this regard. Moreover, legal language can be difficult to interpret for most importers, who may need assistance in understanding and applying the regulations.Bull Importer promptly provides all documents published by the Official Journal of the European Union and shares them with its clients for their review. Additionally, our staff is available to clarify any doubts regarding antidumping duties and other aspects of the regulations.We assist you in importing biodiesel in compliance with all EU regulations.

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