Importing reusable bags: a future-proof business opportunity

The entry into force (on January 1, 2018) of the new European directive aimed at reducing the consumption of lightweight plastic bags will require stores to charge for the plastic bags they provide to their customers. Now is the best time to import reusable bags. The demand for this type of bags will undoubtedly increase from both stores and consumers.The sustained reduction in the consumption of plastic bags set by Europe allows states to choose from several possible deterrent measures, ranging from increasing the price of disposable bags to their total prohibition.The policy of reducing single-use plastic bags will encourage consumers to use reusable bags. It is foreseeable that the sale of reusable bags will increase significantly from next year onwards.In the case of Spain, it has been decided to set a minimum price and prohibit them from being provided free of charge. Consumers will have to pay between 5 and 30 cents per bag, depending on the material and thickness.The penalties provided for stores that do not comply and the expenditure for consumers suggest a change in the trend in the use of shopping bags. It is foreseeable that the use of reusable bags made of materials such as cotton, polypropylene, or non-woven fabrics will multiply.

Different Types of Bags

Reusable, biodegradable, recyclable, compostable bags… Before starting the procedures to import bags, it is advisable to be clear about the differences between the various types, as not all of them meet the characteristics of a reusable bag.

Biodegradable Bags

They are usually made from starch, which decomposes when in contact with air, water, and sunlight. The most modern ones are made with starches combined with biodegradable polymers.

Compostable Bags

They differ from biodegradable bags in that they require much less time for degradation. All compostable bags are biodegradable, but not vice versa.

Oxodegradable Bags

They are conventional bags, made from petroleum, to which an additive is added that accelerates their degradation by the effect of light or oxygen.

Reusable Bags “at least 15 times”

Polyethylene bags with a percentage of recycled PET and greater thickness, which offer better resistance.

Reusable Bags

Bags made of cotton, polypropylene, raffia, non-woven fabrics, nylon, or recycled PET, recyclable, washable, and which, due to their design, can be used for different purposes, come very close to the “zero waste” goal. This type of bag is, for now, the commitment to sustainability.

How to Import Reusable Bags

Since the intention of the new measure is to promote responsible consumption and reduce environmental impact, European regulations establish a series of requirements regarding their technical, functional, and quality characteristics. It is necessary to ensure that our supplier of reusable bags complies with the regulations and has all the necessary certifications. It is important to consider not only the material of the bag but also the composition of the inks used.Polypropylene, cotton, non-woven, and synthetic raffia are the most common materials for the manufacture of reusable bags. In all of them, the trademark of the company selling or distributing them can be stamped. Current digital stamping and printing techniques allow not only printing the logo but also using high-quality photographs, achieving total customization of the bag with attractive designs. Reusable bags can be imported already stamped for large retail chains, supermarkets, franchises, neighborhood stores, or promotional brands. Another possibility is to import standard bags without printing, ready to customize for smaller clients at a more than competitive price.In addition to the material, it is important to consider its thickness and finish. Bags that need to bear little weight can be made with a heat-sealed finish, which is much cheaper. Reusable bags designed for heavier products are made with reinforced seams and handles with X-stitched.If you are considering manufacturing or importing reusable bags, Bull Importer is your best option. We have the best suppliers and international offices that are responsible for conducting negotiations, requesting samples, conducting quality control, and processing your order to your warehouses.

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