Excellent Forecasts for Maritime Cargo Traffic in 2018

Good growth figures in international maritime freight traffic are indicative that the crisis is beginning to wane in the face of increased economic activity. Demand for imports and exports increased by 25% in Spain in early 2017. This upward trend continued throughout the year, an unequivocal sign that international trade is recovering.One of the indicators of international transport growth is the increase in maritime freight traffic, the primary means used for imports reaching Spain from other continents.The growth of global trade and positive economic figures represent an excellent opportunity for importing companies destined for Spain. One of the main countries of origin for imported goods is China. It is home to the world’s top 7 ports in terms of cargo capacity. All of them have high ship traffic and a large volume of container movement.Maritime freight traffic is experiencing the most significant sustained growth in recent years. Forecasts for 2018 predict an increase in the volume of imported goods from Asia.Currently, Shanghai (China) holds the top spot in the ranking of the world’s largest ports. In fact, maritime traffic from this port amounts to 2,000 chartered container ships every month, which represents one-fourth of China’s foreign trade.Bull Importer predominantly uses maritime transport, as the relationship between punctuality, capacity, and price is the most convenient for most of its clients. Our comprehensive import management company does not rule out other means of transport, such as air and rail, when circumstances require it. Generally, the plane is only used for perishable products, very urgent transports, and especially as an emergency substitute when ports are closed or there are difficulties in maritime traffic.After container ships, the most requested by Spanish importers are bulk carriers and tankers. Bulk carriers are used to transport solid cargoes such as grains or minerals, which are unloaded using cranes. Tankers, on the other hand, are designed to transport liquids such as chemicals and liquefied gases.The Spanish ports that handle the highest tonnage of merchandise from international trade are located in Algeciras, Valencia, and Barcelona, from where imported goods are sent by road to destinations throughout the Peninsula. However, significant increases in maritime traffic have also been observed at the ports of Bilbao, Las Palmas, and the Balearic Islands.In the third quarter of 2017, container maritime traffic worldwide grew by around 8%, with Latin America leading the way. This figure represents the highest level of growth since 2011, according to a study by the consultancy firm Alphaliner, which estimates that the global rate for 2017 will be 6.4%.Thus, everything suggests that in 2018, the volume of imported goods from Asia will continue to increase, following the upward trend in international maritime trade.

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