CE marking for imported machinery

We help you obtain CE marking for your machinery to ensure your import is guaranteed. Additionally, we assist you with the entire machinery import process from China, India, Korea, Hong Kong, and Turkey right to your doorstep. Before paying your manufacturer, verify the entire process and documentation; we’re here to assist you.


Aspects to consider when importing machinery

Apart from all the knowledge required for a proper machinery importation, it’s essential to know that machinery must have CE marking and comply with one or more of the European Union standards, depending on its final use. This type of machinery encompasses electrical tools, agricultural equipment, packaging machines, printers, lifting machines, and a wide range of other machines.

Many companies are unaware of how to apply the regulations that affect their machinery and do not know who is responsible for ensuring compliance. Moreover, selling and using such products without proper adaptation and approval of EN and EC directives is illegal, as they are required for CE conformity.

La responsabilidad de asegurar el cumplimiento del marcado CE recae en el fabricante de la maquinaria o en la persona que la introduce en el mercado de la Unión Europea. Esto significa que el fabricante, o en su defecto, el importador, debe garantizar que la maquinaria cumple con todos los requisitos de seguridad y normativas aplicables antes de colocarla en el mercado. Esto implica realizar pruebas de conformidad, preparar la documentación técnica necesaria y aplicar correctamente el marcado CE en la maquinaria.

A machine that has been manufactured in China, India, Turkey, Japan, Korea, or any other country outside the European Union, the party responsible for ensuring compliance with the various directives applicable to CE marking is the IMPORTER. Despite authorities tending to refer to the manufacturer as responsible, when machines are manufactured abroad, the importer (you) is considered the manufacturer for all intents and purposes and therefore is SOLELY responsible for CE compliance.

Do all manufacturers comply with the corresponding CE marking?

Here comes one of the most interesting aspects, which is when a plethora of scams occur, hot returns of products, unnecessary expenses for customs storage, ultimately, complete loss of your money, sometimes loss of the product itself, and at best, higher costs than initially contemplated.

When we refer to interesting aspects, we mean that this is when the true and authentic manufacturers emerge, those who truly own the CE markings and who can make the declarations of responsibility. These declarations are often made haphazardly because the true scammers have nothing to lose. All documents provided must be verified in the country of origin, not in the destination country.

How can we assist you with the importation of your machinery?

After more than 27 years of work, we have the tools to handle all kinds of procedures in full compliance with regulations, not only for machinery. If you want to buy, manufacture, and import machinery with complete security, don’t hesitate to contact us, and we will explain to you how to import all kinds of machinery from China, India, and any country outside the EU without losing the expected profitability.

This service is for you and your company if:

You have a manufacturer or supplier located, you have costs at origin, and you want to ensure that everything complies with regulations legally.

You want a company that takes care of obtaining the CE certificate for a machine in China, India, Turkey, and other countries outside the European Union.

You are clear about the type of machine you want and are looking for a company that not only locates the manufacturer but also takes care of all the importation management.

Your machine is going to be returned to the country of origin due to lack of documentation, and you want to try to prevent that from happening quickly.

You have issues with documentation in customs, and you want the manufacturer to assist you in their language so that explanations can be requested and the problem can be resolved.

What else do we provide you?

Bull Importer’s clients enjoy any future management that needs to be carried out with the machine manufacturer that has finally been imported, as well as any claims that need to be made on your behalf to try to resolve any incidents or doubts regarding its correct operation, or the management of any type of spare parts or incidents that may have occurred.

In other cases, depending on the type of installation and its complexity, we can offer you a much more comprehensive service that includes proper installation and commissioning.

If you want not only to buy, manufacture, and import machinery with their corresponding certificates and CE marking, do not hesitate to contact us. You get security, profitability, and convenience.

Do you have any questions?
Contact us.