Women’s clothing, communication devices, and tools, the most imported from China.

China remains Spain’s top supplier of products, despite the slowdown in its GDP in recent years. The Asian giant, the main supplier of goods to the European Union, maintains very notable import rates. According to data from ICEX Spain Export and Investments, the year-on-year variation in imports from China to Spain continues to increase, with women’s clothing, mobile devices, computers, and tools leading the way.Importation is growing, notably in all sectors and segments at a good pace, even in sectors where Spain is a global powerhouse, such as footwear. Imports of footwear of all types, from shoes and sneakers to technological safety boots, already rank fourth, behind women’s clothing, electronic equipment, and tools.Footwear, women’s clothing, electrical machinery, automotive equipment and components, and industrial products top the list of China’s most imported productsThe curve of imports from China experienced an almost geometric progression in the first decade of the century, a period in which exports from the oriental country to Spain quadrupled. In the central years of the crisis, there was a slight setback, which was compensated for from 2014 onwards, the year in which Spanish imports from China reached almost €20 billion. If we compare the total Spanish imports with those made in the European Union, Spain still ranks sixth, behind Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy.The statistical data provided by ICEX, although referring to 2014, the last year for which official figures have been published, are of great help to entrepreneurs and companies wishing to venture into the import business but are not very clear on which products are most in demand and which can provide the greatest benefits.

Why are imports from China increasing?

The negative perception of products manufactured in China is changing in recent times. They are no longer seen as low-quality products destined for the bazaar shelf but are accepted as comparable articles in both materials and functionalities as well as in qualities and finishes. The Chinese manufacturer is strongly committed to design and the quality of the raw materials it uses.Thanks to this effort, women’s clothing is already far ahead in the ranking of imported goods. It practically quadruples the figures for men’s clothing, which ranks tenth in the list of most demanded products. Even so, textiles and footwear continue to top the figures, a trend on the rise thanks to the fact that both, clothing and footwear, have improved their quality.Electrical machinery, automotive equipment and components, and industrial products also reach very relevant figures. In fact, chemicals and steel products appear in fifth and sixth position, immediately below footwear but with very similar figures, which exceed €700 million by far.The data from ICEX suggests that the trend in the increase in demand for Chinese products focuses on textiles, technology, and industry, gradually moving away from the bazaar trinkets with which they opened the market.In our FAQs section on importation and manufacturing in Asia, you will find useful information about products, minimum quantities, and requirements to start your import business. For more detailed inquiries, you can use our contact form.

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