User manuals for products imported from China: when and how

User manuals are very useful guides for consumers and are also mandatory for introducing many products imported from China into the European Union. It is essential to know the product requirements since we could face issues at customs if the merchandise does not have the corresponding manual.

Since it is not mandatory in all cases, it is important to know what types of products imported from China require a manual, what information it must contain, and how it should be translated.

Which Products Imported from China Need an Instruction Manual?

Some products imported from China, such as clothing or home textiles, obviously do not need an instruction manual. In these cases, the CE marking according to European regulations is sufficient. This label certifies that it complies with legal specifications to be imported into the EU and that its use is safe.

All products entering the EU must ensure they can be used by the consumer without risks. Before introducing goods into the EU, the importing company must certify that the products meet the requirements for protecting human and animal health, the environment, and consumer rights. Even if they do not contain a manual, they must demonstrate that they comply with the applicable European regulations for each product category.

When the use of the product is obvious, such as clothing or food, we do not need a product manual. Conversely, if it is machinery, toys, electronics, gadgets, or tools, among others, it will be necessary to include usage instructions.

What Information Should a User Manual Contain?

User manuals must include product usage instructions as well as other relevant information.

Firstly, we should clarify that the manual does not have a minimum length. It can be a small instruction card, for example, for sunglasses, or a small booklet when more information is required.

It is mandatory to include a table of contents that provides a clear overview of all sections. Although it is impossible to generalize for all products, the index should contain the following sections:

  • How to install or assemble the product
  • Diagram and summary of product parts and their names
  • Instructions for safe handling
  • Instructions on how to use the product
  • Information on refills or recharges, if applicable
  • Instructions on how to dispose of the product in an environmentally friendly manner

Most EU directives do not explicitly state which languages a user manual for products imported from China must be translated into. However, the regulations do clarify that the instructions must be in the language of the country where it is imported.

One of the main reasons for this requirement is that the EU believes a user manual must be understandable to ensure consumer safety.

Therefore, any user manual must be published in the official language of the member state where the product is marketed. Importers are not obliged to translate the manual into minority languages, such as Spain’s regional languages.

On the official European Union website, you can consult the specifications for each product category. This portal provides very valuable information to importers on the steps necessary to obtain the CE marking. Compliance is vital to prevent problems at customs.

Specific portals on trade and industry of the European Union provide detailed information on all the requirements that must be met for each product category.

The requirements of the European Union directives are rigorous and among the most demanding. This means that a product imported with a CE mark can likely be marketed in any country without issue.

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