They are going to buy on Alibaba

Are you going togoing to buy on Alibaba buy on Alibaba
Go ahead…that means you have already done a lot of research. Here, we will share conclusions we have drawn for those who decide to buy on Alibaba.

We receive more than 50 emails and weekly requests from companies worldwide, seeking help and supplier verification from the famous portal.

Whether the requests come from those wanting to save costs or those wanting to import without issues, there is a common denominator: the incomplete security of the transaction.

To encourage those interested in buying on Alibaba, we have written this article to explain that the best way to buy in China or anywhere in the world is undoubtedly:

to be in the country of origin of the goods or product and at the destination. Additionally, your purchase will be cheaper.

There are only two options to achieve this, and many companies do it: either you have trusted personnel in the country, or you hire a sourcing or procurement management company.

To everyone who contacts us saying they are going to buy on Alibaba, we explain the same and recommend buying in China through experts present in that country, like us and many others.

It’s a misconception that consulting procurement experts will increase the price. Here are a few reasons why this is not true, aside from security:

  • Transportation prices: Do you think you will get better prices than those who daily contract and control national and international transports?
  • Currency exchange rates: Is it cheaper for you to buy foreign currency than for companies that use these financial instruments daily?
  • Negotiation with suppliers: Do you think you will get a better price negotiating via Skype or email than those of us who are daily at the factories? If you manage to negotiate better than the experts, don’t forget to read this post about buying directly in China.

A company specialized in procurement and import management will save you money and provide security.

In any case, with the aim of sharing the conclusions we draw from all those who contact us—most of whom end up being Bull Importer clients and friends—we present the following if you are going to buy on Alibaba:

  • Supposed suppliers send samples, and when you place the order, either it never arrives or you receive astonishing items.
  • Supposed suppliers claim to have everything in order, but when you ask for documentation, it either takes a long time or the name on it doesn’t match.
  • Supposed suppliers set up very authentic and credible websites, but when you request documents, the same mismatches occur.

As a company specialized in purchasing in China and other countries, we are committed to helping you with your procurement and import management without neglecting verification and inspection, which are crucial for effective procurement management in China.

If you are going to buy on Alibaba, consult us.

As a company specialized in purchasing in China and other countries worldwide, we only need the following from you…

  • Proforma invoice
  • Packing list

…to set all our machinery in motion…

All import costs are included in the final purchase invoice.

We take care of all these procedures:

  • Comprehensive import management, with no last-minute surprises or costs.
  • Verification and checking of supplier certificates.
  • We ensure the product’s condition through inspections.
  • We clear the goods through customs.
  • We open the documentary credit if necessary.
  • We study the brand if applicable.
  • We define the Shipping Mark.
  • We contract the cheapest transportation and insurance like AEA.
  • We study European legislation and tariffs.
  • We deliver the goods to your office or warehouse.
  • We facilitate accounting by invoicing the total operation in Euros.
  • We guarantee the success of your import and purchase to your destination.

If you are going to buy on Alibaba on your own, we also help with all these important aspects…

  • Questions about the phases to carry out an import or export.
  • Import and export procedures to be carried out.
  • Advice on applicable import tariffs and other unavoidable issues.
  • Product certificates.
  • Procedures with the Tax Agency.
  • Most suitable Incoterms.
  • Customs inspection.
  • Properly accounting for VAT.
  • VAT deductions if applicable.
  • DUA (Single Administrative Document).

Bull Importer, a company expert in procurement and import management with over 25 years of service, will help you with any import management from anywhere in the world.

If you are going to buy on Alibaba, know that we are there, with our own offices in China and India, and a network that allows for perfect imports.

Call us or visit us by appointment, and we will easily manage your import.

Easy solutions. Savings and peace of mind for your company.

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Manufacturers of Flat-Pack Furniture in China