Safety Shoe Manufacturers in China

Manufacturers of safety shoes in China are highly sought after due to the high turnover of this item used in the vast majority of companies where it is mandatory for safety. It is estimated that 80% of safety footwear in the world is primarily manufactured in China.

Fabricantes de zapatos de seguridad en china

The vast majority of companies that decide to purchase and import safety shoes from manufacturers in China choose to ask for references from the supplier and based on this, make their order composition. Others, knowing that price does not pose any alteration, decide to put their own brand.

The designs of the shoes are constantly evolving, and year after year manufacturers of safety shoes from the China region present themselves at the main sector fairs, with much lighter designs, aiming for them to be increasingly comfortable and safer, incorporating new techniques that improve impacts while enhancing durability.

PU or EVA sole, steel or metallic toe caps, genuine or synthetic leather… A shoe can be customized to detail, replicated, or manufactured following your own designs.

Bull Importer was born with the vocation of helping companies in all these tasks, making the importation of any type of safety shoe easy, simple, and economically beneficial for you, whether through catalog, replica, or custom design.

Recommendations with safety shoe manufacturers in China

At Bull Importer, managing orders for safety shoes in China will not cause you any headaches. We have a wide selection of manufacturers who have all the certificates and comply with all regulations, so we produce for large distribution companies with their own brand, as well as safety shoe manufacturing companies that choose to outsource all or part of the production, such as manufacturing by injection of soles, maintaining written confidentiality and protecting their identity.

We carry out comprehensive management once the viability of the project has been confirmed, as not all companies have the capacity to import the minimum quantities starting from 500 pairs, or their price achievement goals are somewhat removed from reality.

  • Order volume: Although initial orders start from 500 pairs (shared grouping) for most approved and licensed suppliers, our experience tells us that when orders are made for a container in which approximately between 3150 and 3350 pairs fit, depending on the final choice, this tends to be more viable and executable compared to groupings.
  • Prices: Prices for 500 pairs usually have an average price improvement of 12% when they are viable, while importing a full container (3150-3350), the price decreases on average by around 40%. A high-quality safety shoe with a retail price of around €55 can be obtained for about €22, being slightly lower the worse the quality.
  • Utilization of cargo: Generally, safety shoe manufacturers in China produce accessories for the sector, so the importation can be used to import other types of products if there are free spaces.

Purchasing, manufacturing, and importing safety shoes from China to the rest of the world optimizing the purchase price

Bull Importer manages the entire import operation to your warehouse if you are in Spain. For the rest of the world, we offer FOB and CIF prices.

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