Registering a proprietary brand for importing from China

Registering your own brand and, if applicable, a patent is the best way for entrepreneurs who manufacture and import from China to protect their intellectual property rights, both for product designs and for packaging or logos.

A registered trademark has legal recognition at the international level so that no one can counterfeit or copy your corporate identity. Although it is not mandatory, it is highly recommended since, in addition to financial losses, the prestige of your company’s image is at stake if someone impersonates your logo with low-quality products.

Why register your own brand?

Many small companies decide to create their own brand to import their products from China. This business strategy combines the advantages of low-cost manufacturing in Asia with the creation of a unique identity.

This approach provides added value that becomes a competitive advantage for SMEs in a globalized market where they must compete with large multinationals. Since they cannot rival in prices, registering their own brand with the right marketing strategy is a good option to differentiate from competitors.

A logo, specific colors, and a style of communication on labels and packaging convey a message of prestige. However, creating your own brand is not limited to designing a logo. Only the registration of the trademark can protect intellectual property.

In short, registering your own brand protects your identity in the target market and prevents other importers from marketing imitations of your product in the country where you have registered the brand.

How much does it cost to register a brand?

Registering a brand is not as expensive as one might initially think. There are certain factors that influence the cost:

  • If the brand is registered in a single country or internationally
  • If you handle the registration yourself at the corresponding office
  • If you request help from a company to carry out the procedures

Evidently, registering a brand in a single country and doing it on your own is the most economical option, although it may not always be the most advisable.

In the case of brand registration in Europe, the basic fee is 850 euros. Its validity is 10 years, and it can be renewed indefinitely for periods of 10 years, at a much lower cost than the initial registration.

To register a brand internationally, it is necessary to go to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), which covers more than 117 countries outside the EU.

Is it advisable to register a brand in China?

The most advisable course of action is to register your brand in the country where you will market your products. However, it is also possible to register a brand in the country where you manufacture, such as China.

This way, you avoid the risk of another company registering your brand, which could then claim the merchandise as its own. However, this is an unlikely risk for lesser-known brands.

The registration process usually takes between 6 and 9 months in the European Union, although it can be done online to expedite the paperwork. These timelines and necessary procedures should be considered from the moment you plan to import under your own brand.

However, it is important to note that the registered trademark only protects the identity, i.e., the logo. To protect a new design or a novel utility, you must patent them.

In any case, if you want to register your own brand with the intention of it lasting over time, it is advisable to associate it with quality products. To do so, it is essential that the importer specifies to the manufacturer the specifications (dimensions, colors, materials, components, certification standards, and quality requirements) and requests samples before starting production.

At Bull Importer, we advise our clients on the process of manufacturing OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) products to later personalize them with their own registered brand. If you want to avoid complications and headaches when registering your own brand for importing from China, consult with us.

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