Inspection, testing, audits, certificate management and certifications

We guarantee the fulfilment of your requirements with every step. Our work is completely personal and differentiated. If you are looking for the best price without the precision of a samurai sword, contact another company, otherwise let’s talk.

Contact us

Inspections at source

Source inspections verify quality and compliance with specifications. We offer 4 types of inspections:

  • Pre-production. We check that the factory has all the necessary materials to start production within the agreed time and we verify that the materials correspond to the customer’s request.

  • During production. We inspect the goods and produce a photographic report for the customer to ensure that the instructions are complied with. If the product allows, we can take a sample for the customer to check.

  • Post-production. We inspect the product before shipment to verify that the product has been manufactured according to your requirements. This is the most requested service.

  • During loading. Our inspectors are present during the loading of the goods into the container to check that everything is correct and have a tracking guide before any claim.

The inspection is governed by the international standard AQL 2.5. For a higher level of control, please ask for a quotation.

Verification of factories and processes

We create a base of allied suppliers that meet our customers’ criteria, from design and quality to product delivery requirements.

Our evaluation process is carried out with factory and supplier audits and verifications. The core parameter of Bull Inspection’s audits is the verification of facilities, document control, procedures and records to ensure the factory’s ability to deliver quality products over time.

The key areas and processes we check include the following:

  • Quality control systems

  • Manufacturing methods

  • Conditions of the facilities

  • Product control

  • Control of the production process

  • Staff

During the process you will be advised by us at all times. We are at your disposal to answer your questions.

Our aim is to achieve maximum satisfaction with our services and imported products.

EU product standards and certificate management.

Bull Inspection is a solid company officially accredited to verify compliance with the fundamental regulations for the import of goods into the European Union.

Some goods are subject to different legal regulations and standards set to ensure consumer safety. The complexity and constant updates of European and Spanish regulations make it difficult for the importer to keep up to date with compliance.

Our experience in import management and quality control in Asia together with the technical resources at our disposal enables us to ensure compliance with regulations and our clients’ technical specifications.

Rely on Bull Inspection’s expertise and technical resources for consumer goods verification.

Our international network of expert partners enables us to carry out quality control throughout Asia with the highest level of assurance.


  • Sample check
  • Pre-production inspection
  • During production inspection
  • Pre-shipment inspection
  • Part-by-part inspection
  • Metal detection
  • Loading/Unloading Supervision
  • Chemical tests, Reach, RoHs
  • Production Monitoring
  • Factory and Supplier Audits
  • Social Compliance Audits
  • Building Safety Audits
  • Environmental Audits
  • Energy Audits
  • Food Safety Audits

Services by product

  • Clothing, textiles and fabrics (Softlines)
  • Electrical and electronic equipment
  • Lenses
  • Personal Care and Cosmetics
  • Toys and Children’s Products
  • Recreational items
  • Footwear (Softlines)
  • Bags and accessories
  • Cosmetics
  • Jewellery
  • Promotional products
  • Technical parts.
  • Durable goods testing

Services by industry

  • Energy
  • Gas, oil and chemicals
  • Industrial plants
  • Construction equipment and materials
  • Machinery and equipment inspections
  • Food safety services
  • Seafood
  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Poultry meat
  • Grain Quality Control Inspections
  • Processed food (Food services)
  • Pesticides and fumigation
  • Food Container (Food Inspections)
  • Automotive parts
  • E-commerce

Our working philosophy


Our primary objective is to provide our customers with the highest quality service to ensure the success of their imports.

We offer comprehensive advice before, during and after inspection and quality control.


Efficient quality control processes in China can only be achieved by employing optimal methods and reliable technical resources.

Reducing lead times means saving costs and maximising the return on your investment.

Transparent pricing

Transparent pricing is the fundamental basis for good teamwork based on trust.

Our pricing policy is clear and affordable, with no hidden charges or additional costs. Compare our rates.

Do you have any questions?
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