New catalog of conventional, organic, or ecological buckwheat

Buckwheat, also known as beech wheat, is a fast-growing pseudocereal with an increasing demand in the food industry as a source of food for both human and animal consumption. Organic and ecological buckwheat represent a healthy alternative with significant nutritional advantages over conventional cereals. We import it in 25 kg sacks, starting from 10 tons, for just over €1/kg.

Cover of the buckwheat microcatalog (02/2017)
Buckwheat Microcatalog (02/2017)

This plant species is primarily used in its grain form, although the sprouts and leaves can also be utilized. With the grain, suitable flours are produced for the manufacturing of various products in the food industry, especially bakery and pastry.

Buckwheat, also known as common buckwheat or Asian buckwheat, is a heart-healthy food that helps combat hypertension, cholesterol, obesity, or diabetes. Being gluten-free, it is suitable for making products suitable for celiacs.

Since in Spain the production of buckwheat does not cover the needs of human consumption or those of the growing animal feed industry, the best alternative to supply the national market is to import the cereal from China or Argentina, the largest producers worldwide.

Product Features

We have the best option for importing buckwheat at a good price and in a practical format for the industry. The product comes packaged in 25 kg sacks of buckwheat powder (flour), with a weight and volume perfectly manageable. The sacks are made of polypropylene and lined with kraft paper, so the cereal is protected from moisture and abrasion during handling. Each sack indicates the lot number, production date, and expiration date, thus guaranteeing the freshness of the product.

You can request organic certification according to EU Regulation 834/2007, multi-residue analytics, and datasheets with nutritional values, information that guarantees the quality of the merchandise.

The economic conditions are very advantageous. Minimum orders are 10,000 kg for organic buckwheat and 18,000 kg for conventional. Depending on the volume of merchandise, you can get a price from €1.09/kg, with all import costs already included. The estimated average delivery time is 45 days from order confirmation.

Offer Validity

The data in this offer is valid for the publication date of the microcatalog and the following weeks. If you access this information long after its publication and the PDF catalog is no longer available on the corresponding page of Imported Goods, please confirm its validity or receive information about alternative products by contacting Bull Importer at 902 39 39 11, via email, or through the contact form.

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