Low-Cost Import Inspection

Today we start by talking about cheap low-cost import inspection. Why do we choose this topic?inspeccion-de-importacionWell, it may seem at first glance like a too promotional topic, but at Bull Importer, we consider it vital to warn about the differences between a quality service and a low-cost one.Sometimes, when we request a quote from an importing company, the figures are the only visible element we focus on. We look for the cheapest and fastest option without considering that perhaps the service may not be as comprehensive as we need.Often, we find ourselves with companies that were unaware that their cheap import inspection service did not cover factory visits, document reviews, post-transaction management, or even the inspection report itself.At that moment, the customer may feel deceived and cheated, because they were not aware beforehand that a series of services considered basic were not included in their budget.However, the biggest problem arises when the distressed customer tries in every possible way to receive that service and ends up paying double the cost, which not only exceeds the agreed-upon amount but also fails to meet their needs.In short, we are faced with a low-cost import inspection full of patches and extraordinary expenses, which unfortunately become more ordinary than uncommon.So much so that most companies in the sector conceive certain services that for Bull Importer are totally necessary and are included in their rates, as independent and therefore, charged as such.This is the case with sample management to test product quality and finishes, immediate communication with the supplier, thorough document review, cargo inspection, factory visits, comprehensive reports… And language! In other companies, the customer has to access the website to review their report and the comments are in English.Aspects that for us are essential, and that we include of course, in our professional import inspection at no extra cost.Would you like to learn more about our services? Contact us without obligation.

Spain Import Rankings 2015
Steel and Iron Antidumping