Inspections of merchandise at origin: this is our comprehensive service.

Merchandise inspections at the source cover one of the most important needs of foreign trade: ensuring that imported products fully match the order placed with the supplier or manufacturer. Hiring this quality control service with a company specialized in comprehensive management, like Bull Importer, helps anticipate incidents, such as errors in production.In some cases, these types of evaluations are mandatory, so the importer must comply with this requirement to avoid sanctions or customs holds on the merchandise. In other cases, although inspections of merchandise at the source are voluntary, they ensure conformity with the order. The time and cost savings completely justify conducting checks during and at the end of production.Bull Importer’s merchandise inspection service at the source ensures that imported products match the order placed with the supplier and prevents incidents such as errors or delays in production.Bull Importer offers a comprehensive service of merchandise inspections at the source to its clients because we believe that production monitoring is essential to verify that processes meet requirements and technical specifications.

What Sets Bull Importer’s Merchandise Inspections at the Source Apart

Our merchandise inspections are carried out at the factory or at the supplier’s warehouse, as appropriate. Subsequently, a report and a photographic report are prepared in which we confirm the verification of all points indicated in the document. Only in this way can our clients be sure that the merchandise corresponds to their order.This is what sets us apart:

Report Preparation

Bull Importer prepares an inspection report and sends it to the client for approval, modification, or expansion. We facilitate all the work for our clients compared to other companies, where the client must prepare the inspection report themselves and upload it to the website.

Merchandise Inspection

Bull Importer conducts a full-color photographic report and comments in Spanish on all points indicated in the report to facilitate understanding. We send the report to our client in PDF format so they can comfortably consult it without having to access our website or review comments in English, as is the case with other companies.

Subsequent Factory Visits

If production has not been carried out according to specifications, we conduct a second inspection, included in the cost of our services. Our clients do not pay for each factory visit.

Cargo Inspection

When our clients request it, we include cargo inspection of the merchandise at the port of origin in the cost of our services. This way, we offer a comprehensive service without charging separately for each management.

Document Review

At Bull Importer, we consider that part of our work as an import management company is reviewing documentation so that our clients can have the peace of mind of knowing that everything is correct before loading.

Communication with the Supplier

Our work is not limited to mere inspection. From the moment the budget is accepted, our communication with the supplier is immediate and constant so that our clients can clarify any point of the order whenever they request it.

Sample Management

The sample request is an essential phase to ensure that production meets requirements. This is how we understand it at Bull Importer, and for this reason, we manage the shipment of samples at no cost. Our clients bear the cost of transportation only in case we do not reach an agreement with the supplier for them to cover the sample shipment.

Post-Inspection Management

Once the inspection is completed and even when the merchandise has reached its destination, we handle with the supplier all necessary aspects without time limit.Our goal is the total satisfaction of our clients, and our guarantee is a job well done.

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