Importation of organic powdered goji berries

The growing importation of goji berries responds to the new consumer profile that demands healthy foods, preferably organic, which provide not only nutrients but also additional health benefits. Goji berries are increasingly common in health food stores and general grocery stores, mainly in powder form for easy dosing.

Importing Goji Berries, a Business Opportunity

The interest in organic products and so-called functional foods is causing demand to increase year after year. To meet the needs of a huge potential market, many companies are aware that importing goji berries directly from certified organic suppliers in Asia is an excellent business opportunity.The new consumer profile, demanding healthy, organic foods with additional health benefits, has significantly influenced the increase in goji berry imports. Bull Importer works with certified organic producers to provide goji in powder form, the most requested format.Importing in large quantities offers many advantages, as it provides the necessary stock to supply customers, achieves the product with a much higher profit margin than acquiring it from intermediaries, and can be offered at much more competitive prices than other companies in the sector.

Goji Berries, the New Superfood

Goji berries come from a shrub native to the Himalayas that bears fruit at 3,000 meters above sea level, making its cultivation difficult in other latitudes. Belonging to the nightshade family, it is related to the tomato, eggplant, and potato.Although its use in China and Tibet dates back more than 6,000 years, the importation of goji berries to the Western world has recently increased as its properties have become known, such as its high content of antioxidants, zeaxanthin, and lutein.The usual forms of consumption in its place of origin are fresh or dehydrated. To preserve all its properties intact, the usual form of importation is in powder, which can be used combined with other foods or for the production of capsules and tablets.It stands out for its content of amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Linoleic acid, beta-carotenes, lutein, and lycopene are its most appreciated components.Among its benefits, we can highlight the following:

  • Helps maintain good eye health
  • Prevents hypertension
  • Reduces oxidative stress and aging caused by pollution
  • Controls cholesterol
  • Boosts natural defenses
  • Helps control weight

If you are interested in importing organic goji berry powder, please inquire about prices, minimum orders, and conditions with Bull Importer.

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