How to Import from China while Avoiding Unreliable Suppliers and Manufacturers

locate reliable suppliers who meet all legal guarantees, delivery deadlines, and the required quality standards.
Among thousands of suppliers and manufacturers, the probability of falling for a scam is high if you handle the management on your own. The smartest option is to rely on a management company like Bull Importer, with international offices and a single invoice in euros covering all services

To find suppliers and manufacturers capable of offering a quality product, at a good price, and delivered diligently, it is not enough to rely on intuition and try to explain the technical and quality characteristics of the goods. It is essential to take many more precautions when placing an order.

Beginner importers are more likely to make such mistakes, thinking they can work with Chinese suppliers and manufacturers on their own. One of the most common errors is trusting that the supplier or manufacturer has the same concept of quality control and commitment to delivery dates as here. Language barriers significantly influence poor communication, so several precautions must be taken in negotiations:

  • Communicating in English with a Chinese supplier may not be the ideal formula, as the average level of knowledge and proficiency in this language is very low, even among professionals who need it in their work. Assisted translation is not a viable formula either. The only successful alternative is to have a management ally with international offices and bilingual Chinese-Spanish staff.
  • Thinking that the interlocutor has the necessary technical knowledge to understand the requirements the order must meet is another common mistake. Keep in mind that you are talking to a salesperson who probably does not know the technical aspects of the product and cannot convey them to the person in charge of manufacturing.
  • Emails and online chats are not the best way to communicate. Emails are likely to go unread or unanswered. In addition to providing a document with all the specifications of the goods, it is necessary to meet with suppliers and manufacturers to clarify all doubts in their language. Subsequently, a follow-up call should be made to confirm that the information has been understood.

Tips to avoid unreliable suppliers and manufacturers

Closing a negotiation thinking that a good deal has been made only to find that the goods do not arrive on time, are defective, or worse, never arrive, is an importer’s worst nightmare. Among thousands of Chinese suppliers and manufacturers, the likelihood of being scammed is high if certain precautions are not taken.

Many importers see a business ruined due to lack of experience and overestimating their expectations when conducting the operation. Frustration and financial losses can be avoided by having the support of a comprehensive management company that simplifies the process transparently and straightforwardly.

The guidelines to prevent scams when importing from China are as follows:

  • Do not pay for goods without first verifying that the supplier can produce them. It is advisable to carry out quality control of the products and request a sample before closing the deal. In terms of payment trust, the smartest choice is to hire an agency like Bull Importer, which includes all import services in a single invoice and in euros. Deals are made in Spain and with Spaniards.
  • Never assume anything when negotiating with a Chinese supplier. It is possible that they do not have the goods they offer or have the slightest idea of the technical specifications naturally required of the product. They are salespeople and take advantage of the opportunity. The communication barrier and cultural differences, including the concept of quality, are two of the most important obstacles when negotiating with China.
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