Cookie Policy


In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), in relation to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Data Protection and Digital Rights Guarantee (LOPDGDD), it is mandatory to obtain the express consent of the user of all websites that use unnecessary cookies before they browse them.

These terms outline the potential and different uses of cookies that we may carry out on the website. They were reviewed in December 2023, and there may be variations until their next review.

What are cookies?

Cookies and other similar technologies are tools used by web servers to store and retrieve information about their visitors, as well as to ensure the proper functioning of the site.

By using these devices, the web server can remember some data concerning the user, such as their preferences for viewing the pages from that server, username and password, products of interest, allowing faster access, storing and retrieving information about browsing habits, etc.

They are associated with an anonymous user, without their computer or device providing references that allow their personal data to be known, unless authorized.

Cookies affected by the regulations and exempt cookies

According to the EU directive, cookies that require informed consent from the user are analytics cookies, advertising cookies, and affiliate cookies, with technical cookies and those necessary for the functioning of the website or the provision of services expressly requested by the user being exempt.

Types of cookies

According to their purpose

  • Technical and functional cookies: These are cookies that allow the user to navigate through a website, platform, or application and use the different options or services available on it.
  • Analytical cookies: These are cookies that allow the party responsible for them to track and analyze the behavior of users of the websites to which they are linked. The information collected by this type of cookies is used to measure the activity of websites, applications, or platforms and to create browsing profiles of the users of these sites, applications, and platforms, in order to make improvements based on the analysis of the usage data collected from users of the service.
  • Advertising cookies: These are cookies that allow for the management, as efficiently as possible, of the advertising spaces that, where appropriate, the publisher has included on a website, application, or platform from which the requested service is provided based on criteria such as the content published or the frequency with which ads are displayed.
  • Behavioral advertising cookies: These collect information about the user’s personal preferences and choices (retargeting) to allow for the management, as efficiently as possible, of the advertising spaces that, where appropriate, the publisher has included on a website, application, or platform from which the requested service is provided.
  • Social cookies: These are set by social media platforms on services to allow you to share content with your friends and networks. Social media platforms have the ability to track your online activity outside of the Services. This may affect the content and messages you see on other services you visit.
  • Affiliate cookies: These allow for tracking visits from other websites with which the website establishes an affiliate agreement (affiliate companies).
  • Security cookies: These store encrypted information to prevent the data stored in them from being vulnerable to malicious attacks by third parties.

According to their owner or entity that manages them

  • First-party cookies: These are cookies that are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the website publisher itself and from which the requested service is provided by the user.
  • Third-party cookies: These are cookies that are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by the website publisher but by another entity that processes the data obtained through the cookies.

According to the duration of activity or storage period

  • Session cookies: These are a type of cookies designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a website.
  • Persistent cookies: These are a type of cookies in which the data is stored on the user’s device and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the cookie’s controller, which can range from a few minutes to several years.

Personal data processing

  • Purposes of processing: as specified in section 4.a of these terms.
  • Legal basis for processing: legitimate interest, informed consent.
  • Retention periods: as specified in the inventory of cookies used on this website.
  • Data disclosure: Data will not be disclosed by default, except for third-party owned cookies or as required by law.
  • Rights: The data subject may revoke consent at any time, as well as request access, rectification, erasure, restriction, portability, or objection to their data.
  • Expanded privacy information: In the Privacy Policy, you will find more detailed information about data processing, your rights, and how to exercise them.

Inventory of cookies used on this website


Technical and functional

Ownership Cookie Purpose Deadline _dc_gtm_UA-6017
Necessary cookie for the use of the website’s options and services. Session _ga_7PDLRQ49LW Necessary cookie for the use of the website’s options and services. In one year _gat_gtag_UA_60
Necessary cookie for the use of the website’s options and services. Session _hjAbsoluteSessi onInProgress Necessary cookie for the use of the website’s options and services. Session _hjFirstSeen Necessary cookie for the use of the website’s options and services. Session _hjIncludedInSess ionSample_2947879 Necessary cookie for the use of the website’s options and services. Session _hjSession_2947879 Necessary cookie for the use of the website’s options and services. Session _hjSessionUser_2
Necessary cookie for the use of the website’s options and services. In one year cookielawinfocheckboxadvertisement Necessary cookie for the use of the website’s options and services. In one year cookielawinfocheckboxfunctional Necessary cookie for the use of the website’s options and services. In one year cookielawinfocheckboxnecessary Necessary cookie for the use of the website’s options and services. In one year cookielawinfocheckbox-others Necessary cookie for the use of the website’s options and services. In one year cookielawinfocheckboxperformance Necessary cookie for the use of the website’s options and services. In one year CookieLawInfoCo nsent Necessary cookie for the use of the website’s options and services. In one year viewed_cookie_policy It is used to remember your preferences regarding the established Cookie Policy. In one year _GRECAPTCHA Necessary cookie for the use of the website’s options and services. In six months AEC Necessary cookie for the use of the website’s options and services. In nine days CONSENT Google cookie consent tracker In eight months SOCS Necessary cookie for the use of the website’s options and services. In eight months YSC It records a unique identification to maintain statistics on which YouTube videos the user has watched. Session


Ownership Cookie Purpose Deadline _ga ID used to identify users In one year _gid ID used to identify users for 24 hours after the last activity In one day


Ownership Cookie Purpose Deadline _gcl_au Used by Google AdSense to experiment with advertising efficiency across websites using their services. In three months IDE This cookie is used for targeting, analysis, and optimization of advertising campaigns in DoubleClick / Google Marketing Suite. In eight months NID These cookies are used to collect website statistics and track conversion rates and Google ad personalization. In six months VISITOR_INFO1_L IVE It attempts to estimate the bandwidth of users on pages with embedded YouTube videos. In eleven days


Third-party services are beyond the control of the publisher. Providers may modify their terms of service, purpose, and use of cookies, etc., at any time.

External providers of this website:

Cookie Settings Panel

From this panel, you can configure the cookies that the website can install on your browser, except for technical or functional cookies that are necessary for navigation and the use of the different options or services offered.

>>>insert direct access link to the CMP control panel <<< or describe how to find the direct access, for example, by hovering the cursor over the bottom right corner of the website.

How to manage cookies from the browser

Deleting cookies from the device

Cookies that are already on a device can be deleted by clearing the browser history, which removes cookies from all visited websites. However, some saved information may also be lost (e.g., login data or website preferences).

Managing site-specific cookies

For more precise control over the specific cookies from each site, users can adjust their privacy and cookie settings in the browser.

Blocking cookies

Although most modern browsers can be configured to prevent cookies from being installed on devices, this may require manual adjustment of certain preferences each time a site or page is visited. Additionally, some services and features may not work properly (e.g., profile logins).

How to delete cookies from the most common browsers

  • EDGE