Buying and importing phenolic HPL panels from factories in China

Buy and import HPL phenolic boards from factories in China for interior and exterior, compact, decorative, and water-resistant purposes. They are highly demanded by companies dedicated to manufacturing lockers, ventilated facades, countertops, gyms, furniture, and furnishings due to their finishes and colors, along with their high resistances, making their consumption in the specialized industry significant.

comprar e importar tableros fenólicos hpl de fábricas en Chinacomprar e importar tableros fenólicos hpl de fábricas en Chinacomprar e importar tableros fenólicos hpl de fábricas en China


The main features that we can highlight about HPL phenolic boards when buying and importing from factories in China are as follows:

  • Boards composed of different layers of wood fibers at high pressure and temperature treated with resins and oils to obtain a highly resistant material.
  • Antibacterial, anti-graffiti, anti-dust, they are very easy to clean and maintain materials.
  • Electricity insulator.
  • High tolerance to water, heat, cold, and steam. In the case of boards for exterior use, their composition allows their use in conditions of intense sunlight, wind, fungi, pollution, and moisture.
  • The exterior melamine is specially designed to withstand UV rays and environmental agents.
  • Easy installation.

How are HPL phenolic boards usually bought and imported from factories in China and what should be considered to improve their current price conditions by up to 50%?

Regardless of the possibility of customizing orders, the standard measurements of the boards are usually 2440 x 1220 mm, although, depending on the project, custom sizes can be imported, even with pre-drilled holes. The most demanded thicknesses are 6, 8, and 10 mm with a wide range of colors and customization possibilities. In terms of regulations, boards must comply with UNE-EN 438-1:2005 and UNE-EN 438-1:2005, so requesting a technical datasheet with parameters such as resistance, density, formaldehyde, and moisture absorption, among others, is advisable.In a purchase and importation, according to the manufacturer, up to a maximum of 5 colors can be mixed in a single container order, with the minimum order quantity being around 600 meters per color on average. Grouping HPL phenolic boards is not a good purchasing recommendation; it is very difficult for a factory to sell minimum quantities of a container, which is more economical than grouping.Bull Importer specializes in procurement, manufacturing, and importing for companies and is an expert in negotiating, buying, and importing HPL phenolic boards from factories in China. As a result of our efforts, we have been able to achieve purchasing improvements for our clients of up to 50%, with an average savings of over 35%. To improve current purchasing prices in your HPL phenolic board company by 50%, annual consumption negotiations in industrial quantities are necessary; improvements of around 35% are achieved with just one container.

Prices for buying and importing HPL phenolic boards from factories in China to your country

The most common prices and conditions are FOB, CIF, CFR, and DDP. Depending on your country, we will indicate the safest and most convenient way to import. For certain parts of Europe, mainly Spain, we provide comprehensive DDP services, which means from the factory door in China to your company’s door.At Bull Importer, we will provide you with the best results obtained to optimize your company’s procurement function through selected manufacturers in China of phenolic boards and any other type of items in your sector.

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