
  • Control de calidad de la mercancía | Bull Importer

    Quality control of goods before shipment is vital to avoid supply chain issues, stock shortages, and increased final operating costs of import operations. One of the most frequent issues is missing parts of the shipment. Our origin inspection service allows verification of the most important aspects of an import: finished product quality, compliance with specifications, […]

  • Fabricar en Asia con Bull Importer

    Entrepreneurs starting in international trade to find suppliers at competitive costs, or experienced ones looking to increase their profit margins, often face a dilemma: which country to choose for manufacturing in Asia? Until recently, the alternatives were clear: China or India. However, the rapid growth of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has made […]

  • Retención en aduanas de la mercancía importada | Bull Importer

    The retention of imported goods at customs is the worst nightmare for any company, as this situation can ruin many hours of work and cause significant extra costs. The most common reasons for a shipment being held are poorly prepared shipping marks, errors in the tariff code, lack of product approval, missing DUA, and other […]

  • Las claves del comercio internacional de mercancías en 2018 | Bull Importer

    The good health of international merchandise trade seems to have consolidated in 2018 despite the restrictive trade policy that the United States has been implementing in recent times. Forecasts point to global trade growth of around 3.5% for the year that is now beginning, a figure similar to that which closed 2018.Since 2017, there has […]

  • Chanclas y gafas de sol, importaciones estrella para el verano | Bull Importer

    Sandals and sunglasses, along with beach towels and swimsuits, are the summer must-have products that cannot be missing. The success of the import largely depends on calculating the necessary times for management, the duration of maritime transport, and customs controls. Now is the time to start planning the acquisition of merchandise.In sectors where seasonality is […]

  • Cómo elegir los Incoterms para las importaciones | Bull Importer

    International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) created Incoterms in 1936 with the aim of providing importers and exporters with a standardized global language that facilitates transparency in international transactions. These rules are accepted by governments, judicial authorities, and professionals as a bridge to standardize trade between countries. Their importance lies in the fact that any small […]

  • Cómo tramitar el IVA en las importaciones | Bull Importer

    All companies must process VAT on imports, complying with specific rules regarding declaration and invoicing to avoid issues with tax authorities and high penalties. The requirements vary depending on whether the country of origin of the goods is intra-community or not part of the European Union. Generally, VAT on imports must be processed at the […]

  • Controles fitosanitarios para embalajes de madera | Bull Importer

    The new measure establishes regular phytosanitary controls for certain imported goods in wooden packaging originating from China and Belarus. The aim is to ensure compliance with European Union requirements regarding the marking of wooden packaging material and to prevent the introduction of harmful organisms into the destination country. The phytosanitary certificate is a necessary document […]

  • Apricot dried apricots (Prunus armeniaca), Spain is one of the main global consumers of this product alongside Italy or France. Mainly, this product is consumed during winter, as an accompaniment on the Christmas table. Dried apricots are a fruit full of fiber, beta-carotene, vitamins, and minerals. All these properties make their consumption truly healthy. Apricot […]