
  • Among the wide range of cosmetic products are essential oils, highly concentrated substances with a non-greasy texture that are used in small amounts as a base for some cosmetics due to their intense fragrance and properties. To preserve them well, they should be stored in small containers in a cool place. When it comes to […]

  • Cómo prevenir los riesgos en el transporte marítimo internacional de mercancías

    Maritime transport has become the core of international trade. Cargo ships are responsible for the transportation of goods worth around 4 billion euros annually. This figure highlights the importance of preventing risks associated with maritime transport, such as the deterioration or loss of goods. The deterioration of transported goods can occur for multiple reasons, both […]

  • Vietnam, un país con potencial para importadores

    Vietnam is the fastest-growing country in Southeast Asia, and from the perspective of foreign trade and goods transportation, its geography benefits it. The Vietnamese economy is very open to the outside world, which is one of the main drivers of the country’s development. According to ICEX data, Vietnam mainly exports telephone devices, electronic components, clothing, […]

  • Flexitank para importar líquidos a granel | Bull Importer

    Using Flexitank for importing liquids is the optimal and cost-effective solution as it allows the use of conventional containers, which reduces maritime transportation costs. Its mobility, flexibility, and large storage capacity are other characteristics that have made this system one of the most in-demand for importing all types of non-hazardous liquids. Features of Flexitank The […]

  • The SOIVRE (Official Service for Inspection, Surveillance, and Regulation of Exports) is a quality control service under the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Tourism, aimed at ensuring compliance with regulations in foreign trade operations. A Bit of History The origin of this foreign trade quality control system dates back to the early 20th century when […]

  • Manuales de usuario para prodcutos importados de China | Bull Importer

    User manuals are very useful guides for consumers and are also mandatory for introducing many products imported from China into the European Union. It is essential to know the product requirements since we could face issues at customs if the merchandise does not have the corresponding manual. Since it is not mandatory in all cases, […]

  • Crear una marca propia para importar de China | Bull Importer

    Creating your own brand for importing from China makes sense for many small business owners who want a competitive edge in the market. Compared to large multinationals with which they cannot compete on price, creating a brand adds value to the products. Many companies combine the advantages of low-cost manufacturing in China with creating their […]

  • Grupaje: cómo compartir un contenedor para importar de China con Bull Importer

    Consolidation allows for cost optimization in international transport, a very advantageous solution for small importers whose shipments do not have enough volume to fill a container. This system is increasingly used to import goods from China, as it helps to flexibilize the logistics of SMEs and small distributors. With consolidation, these types of companies can […]

  • Certificado NO FARMIN | Bull Importer

    “ Forget About Paperwork and Procedures! Enjoy Total Security Without Losing Profitability. The NO FARMIN certificate is a document that certifies that the imported goods are not classified as pharmaceutical products under Law 14/1986. It is mandatory to complete and present it at Customs for any import from third countries. Regardless of the type of […]