
  • Hacer negocios en China con Bull Importer

    Asian culture is increasingly present in our lives, especially since doing business in China is no longer an exceptional activity. More and more companies are internationalizing their businesses, either by exporting or importing from China. However, doing business in China requires knowing certain aspects of that country, as dealing with a culture so different from […]

  • Empresas textiles en Asia: control de calidad Bull Importer

    Textile companies in Asia are subject to various controls by suppliers and authorities to ensure the working conditions of employees, often in the spotlight, and to make sure their environmental impact is as minimal as possible. Many clothing and textile importers neglect to perform quality checks on their own because they consider this process unnecessary. […]

  • The Made in China 2025 Plan aims to shift the country from being the world’s leading low-cost factory to becoming a manufacturing industry with quality as its added value. This new strategy, driven by the Chinese government, seeks to restructure the industry to become a leader in technology by enhancing quality and efficiency over quantity. […]

  • Alimentos ecológicos | Bull Importer

    The growing interest in organic foods highlights the unstoppable trend shift in our society. The new consumer profile increasingly cares about their diet, not only with a balanced diet but also by choosing organically grown products without pesticides or artificial chemical fertilizers. The healthy diet of the new consumer includes not only organic foods but […]

  • Fabricar en China con éxito | Bull Importer

    The low cost of manufacturing in China and its focus on specialization and quality are two key elements that make many entrepreneurs and business owners choose the Asian giant as a trading partner. Manufacturing in China and importing to Spain is an excellent option for marketing products with a good profit margin. However, before venturing […]

  • Avoid risks and get all import solutions in one company. Discover how our services can improve your business profitability and help it grow. Tariffs are the taxes paid by the importer according to the TARIC goods classification system. The tariff heading, the country of origin of the goods, and the country of destination are used […]

  • Carta de crédito en importación | Bull Importer

    The letter of credit is a document where payment is withheld until the goods are shipped. It is a guarantee for both the importer and the supplier, who ensures payment. The banks of the importer and exporter hold the money during the process Thus, it equally protects both the exporter and the importer. Both are […]

  • Solicitar muestras antes de importar | Bull Importer

    Requesting samples before importing allows for comparing qualities, minimum orders, prices, and delivery times. Delegating this to a comprehensive management company like Bull Importer simplifies this procedure and guarantees better negotiation of conditions How to request samples before importing At Bull Importer, we understand that managing samples is an essential phase before the production of […]

  • Declaración responsable para importar productos cosméticos | Bull Importer

    Importing cosmetics from Asia to Spain with Bull Importer means minimizing risk at any stage, from purchase to delivery of the product at our clients’ facilities, without the need to possess a cosmetic import license. A unique service in Europe for companies in the sector. The Responsible Declaration is a document designed to streamline the […]