• On September 3rd, developers of solar parks were left with a good taste in their mouths as the European Union announced the expiration of antidumping measures for photovoltaic panels from China, dismissing the extension of barriers against the import of such products over time.After five years of measures against solar panels imported from China, the […]

  • The optics sector generates 100 billion euros annually, of which 40% comes from sunglasses and frames. In Spain alone, it generated sales exceeding 2 billion euros in 2017. With an eye on achieving higher profit margins, the manufacturing and importation of sunglasses from China has become a lucrative business embraced by both luxury and mid-range […]

  • The lack of rainfall and high temperatures during the current season have affected the production of legumes, barely meeting domestic demand. The importation of lentils and other legumes common in Spain emerges as the only possible alternative to meet national consumption needs. The production of lentils has plummeted by 37% in the 2017/2018 season, with […]

  • Import licenses are necessary administrative procedures to introduce goods from third countries. To obtain them, it is necessary to submit the application to the corresponding administrative body. The World Trade Organization (WTO) contemplates two categories, automatic and non-automatic.This process is an essential requirement for importing goods, as stated in Article VIII of the GATT (General […]

  • Locks for lockers are an essential element for the security of personal belongings of gym, pool, school, and other public facility users. Many companies use them as promotional gifts in merchandising activities, and luggage manufacturers as accessories for their products. In Bull Importer, we negotiate with suppliers in China to import economical and quality locker […]

  • Spain is the European country that consumes the most legumes, but domestic production barely covers internal demand. Market supply is complemented by a high volume of imported chickpeas and other legumes for human consumption, including lentils and beans.Recent statistics highlight that Spain imports 80% of the legumes it consumes. According to data from the Ministry […]

  • The diversity of uses in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and textile industries encourages more and more manufacturers and distributors to opt for importing organic turmeric powder, as this yields higher profit margins. The key to importing organic turmeric without complications is to rely on an outsourcing company like Bull Importer, which manages all the procedures, […]

  • The growing importation of goji berries responds to the new consumer profile that demands healthy foods, preferably organic, which provide not only nutrients but also additional health benefits. Goji berries are increasingly common in health food stores and general grocery stores, mainly in powder form for easy dosing. Importing Goji Berries, a Business Opportunity The […]

  • The import of organic powdered chlorella algae has emerged in recent times as a safe bet due to the interest it generates in the food, cosmetic, and nutraceutical industries. Although research on its multiple benefits began years ago, it is currently experiencing its peak market share. There are many products traditionally used in Asia that […]

  • The import of organic powdered matcha tea is high in countries like the United States, Germany, or Great Britain, where it is becoming a substitute for coffee due to its stimulating properties and advantages over caffeine. Within our borders, the demand is significant, and it’s not difficult to find establishments where you can have it […]