Antidumping measures expire for photovoltaic panels from China.

On September 3rd, developers of solar parks were left with a good taste in their mouths as the European Union announced the expiration of antidumping measures for photovoltaic panels from China, dismissing the extension of barriers against the import of such products over time.After five years of measures against solar panels imported from China, the European Union will finally eliminate the antidumping measures it had imposed to protect the European photovoltaic industry at the time of the greatest growth of renewable energies worldwide. The removal of controls, supported by most of the 28 EU countries, is stated in the announcement published pursuant to Article 2 of Regulation (EU) 2016/1037 of the European Parliament concerning defense against subsidized imports from non-EU countries.The elimination of antidumping measures for the import of photovoltaic panels from China could provide a boost to the development of solar energy, the most economical renewable energy source in Europe. The EU will monitor that imports are not made at a price lower than that set by the European Commission.In response to the demand of EU photovoltaic panel producers, who argue the risk of entry of products at prices much lower than normal, the association Solar Power Europe is optimistic about the decision as they have fought hard to eliminate these barriers. According to their opinion, the antidumping measures for solar panels imported from China represented a significant hindrance to the growth of solar energy in Europe.SolarPower Europe brings together more than 200 members from 35 different countries who advocate for the removal of tariffs on solar energy-related products. This association advocates for clean energies and works to ensure that by 2030, the majority of energy production is obtained through photovoltaic panels. According to their market analysis of solar energy, the elimination of antidumping measures could boost the demand for solar panels by 30%, which could contribute to the creation of 45,000 jobs in this sector.The European Union imposed antidumping and antisubsidy measures for Chinese solar panels in 2013. In March 2017, they were extended for an additional period of 18 months, so they were supposed to end in September 2018. However, a group of European producers applied to the European Commission for a further extension of the deadline, a request that ultimately did not yield the result they had hoped for.Therefore, from now on, Chinese manufacturers of photovoltaic panels can sell their products in Europe duty-free at a minimum price set by the Commission. In case sales below this minimum price are detected, tariffs of up to 64.9% may be applied.Solar panel importers’ associations have argued for years that antidumping measures hindered the growth of photovoltaic installations in Europe, which goes against the EU’s own policy of reducing CO2 emissions. Currently, photovoltaic energy is the cheapest and cleanest energy source in Europe, and the removal of barriers could boost its expansion.At Bull Importer, we are always attentive to publications in the Official Journal of the European Union and keep our clients informed about updates on antidumping measures, regulations, and customs duties.If you wish to import with us, please consult all your legal questions with our team of experts. We will be happy to assist you.

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