25 years helping companies make and buy in China, India, and other countries. Importing Door to Door with the maximum Protection and Safety is possible!.
Possibly you wonder if Aliexpress is reliable. In case you don’t recall, in previous articles, we talked about the consequences of buying on internet platforms like Alibaba.Aliexpress is a mega online portal that brings together thousands of sellers and buyers interested in acquiring import products, from countries where a “relative profit margin” is ensured.Many times (to say the least) the buyer has no previous experience in international buying-selling processes and is totally exposed to possible frauds and scams.It’s common to encounter sellers with a rather limited catalog, with ridiculous prices that tempt mass purchases. How do you know if that supplier is reliable?It’s quite difficult to know without prior knowledge about the exporting company, its regulated situation, etc. a few ratings on Aliexpress are not enough to ensure the guarantee of your import.Or worse, can you imagine receiving a product that is not what you requested or even defective or imperfect?When you wonder if Aliexpress is reliable, be very clear that a specialist company in international transactions like Bull Importer, will always guarantee sample management, catalogs, purchase supervision, supplier verification, etc.Be very clear that true companies that decide to import do not do it through a simple online intermediary. Avoid falling into the trap of naivety with suspicious facilities and scandalous prices.Your company deserves a minimum guarantee in its purchases, without the need for risks or fines associated with illegal transactions.The comprehensive management of your import is within your reach with us.